The Natural WellBEE-ing Box
Self care for the Savvy Mum. Raising businesses and babies whilst taking care of you.
A monthly wellbeing boost delivered straight to your door.

A MUMpreneur... a female business owner who actively balances the roles of mother and is an entrepreneur.
Are you a work from home Mum? perhaps with a side hustle?
Never enough time in the day? Need a moment to relax and unwind?
Then it's time you treated yourself to The Natural WellBEE-ing Box a luxurious eco friendly box filled with items so you can take that guilt free break you derserve.
Are you ready to start thriving as a working mum whilst taking care of you?
The Natural WellBEE-ing Summer Edition box
£28.50 every month.

Enhance your positivity,
focus on your Wellbeing and uplift your mind body and soul.
How does it work?

..What's inside the box?
We would love to tell you what's inside each month but can't as it would ruin the surprise! Each month the contents will be differet but will allways include the following:
- A Self care development or feel good book
- Eco friendly stationary
- A little self care
- Motivational card/mindful card
- VIP Positivity and Motivational group for like minded people to come together
- All items are sustainble and eco friendly for a truly guilt free treat
A healthy glow, flawless hair and an impeccable style, that's how you can spot our clients.

..Is this you?
Raising Babies and Businesses. Wanting to thrive as a working mum whilst also taking care of you?
Tired of being at the bottom of your To Do list?
Feeling constantly overwhelmed and burntout?
Feeling guilty if you do take time out for you?
Do you feel like there is never enough time in the day for YOU?
You want to get more motivated to do the things you once loved?
If you've answered YES to any of these questions this box is for you! and its time you put yourself first and get the guilt free break that you derseve!

Want to take a sneak peak?
Why not make a saving? And get a 3 months subscription boxes? delivered to your door each month!
Next Box Ships in
.... A little about me
My name is Anasa. A busy work from home Mum with a side hustle or two... and Mummy to my little girl who is second in command! and just like you I'm a Mumpreneur.
*Founder of:
-Raindbow Roses Handmade; Wax Wellness
-The Natural WellBEE-ing Self care Box
-Mindful Mummy & Me; cultivating meaniful relationships with children.
*Mindset Mentor coach
*Accountabiliity Coach
*Personal development Coach
*NLP Certified Practitioner